Monday, September 14, 2009

I Feel So Blessed

Yesterday I sat in church overwhelmed with joy, peace and appreciation. There are so many things I am grateful for so I thought today, right now would be a good time to list all the wonderful things I am grateful for!

1. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and my Savor Jesus Christ.

I am grateful to my Father in Heaven for giving me this time here on Earth. How blessed I am to have this time to develop myself and strive to be better. To come to this Earth and build freindships and relationships with people around me. To be surrounded by the beauty of this Earth. How blessed I am to live near the ocean. A place of peace and beauty.

I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the sacrifice that he made for me that I can be forgiven, that I can know the truth, that I can have freedom from bondage. Words can't discribe my gratitude to my Savior for the ability to be forgiven. I have made many mistakes in my life, offended those I love, defied the things I know to be true and yet I have been forgiven and can continue to be forgiven for my sins.

I am without a doubt in debt to my Father in Heaven and my Savior for the numberous blessings that have been poured out upon me. My heart if full of gratitude.

2. I am grateful for my husband - Seth. We were so young when we met. I was just 17 years old. After he served his mission we were married, I was 20 and he was 21. I had so much growing to do, so much maturing to do, so much changing to do and he loved me through it all. You know that feeling when you meet someone for the first time and you know you met them some where else before, that is the feeling I felt when I met Seth for the first time. I am grateful that we have grown up together, we have shared the best of things and the worst of things.

3. My children, I am so grateful for them! There are so many things about them that I love. Linkin is full of energy, strength, understanding and knowledge. He is so sweet and loving. Sadie is so silly, she is so fun, she is so chatty which we all know I love. Together they are something else. They are so sweet to one another. They teach eachother things and they play soooo well together.

4. My parents, they are wonderful parents that did a great job at teaching me right from wrong. They were parents who didn't seem to waiver. I knew exactly where they stood on things. They are parents that are loving, kind and helpful. Both of my parents are very talented which is amazing and also gives me inner strength to be creative and find talents. They are both very loving.

5. My siblings to them I am grateful...forever grateful. Who wouldn't love built in friends. Friends that long ago decided we were in this forever. Each of my siblings have a special place in my heart. (one day I am going to blog about each of them and everything I love about them. Stay tuned) I think of the things that they each bring in to my life and I feel overwhelmed with joy. At any given time I can lean on them, trust them, and share my thoughts with them. I am sure that each of them has been offended by me, hurt by me or angry with me however they have forgiven me of my faults and love me any way. (right guys?) Each of their spouses I think of them as my brothers and sisters as well. I adore each of them so much. I know God knew what he was doing when he paired up all up. Each of them fit perfectly into our family. Not only that they have all made LOVELY children! I thank God for each of my siblings

6. My in-laws - I am so blessed to be a part of Seth's family. They are all so helpful, willing and fun. My kids (as well as myself) adore them. Linkin had a wonderful opportunity to go to Fresno with Seth and his Dad on their annual hunting trip. Linkin had such a wonderful time filled with MAN Stuff. Kris and I had the pleasure of driving over together a few day later and it was so enjoy able to chat and enjoy one anothers company.

7. My Neices and Nephews. This summer I had the pleasure of seeing many of my neices and nephews...well I saw all of them but many of them came to visit me. I adore each of them. Each of them brings so much to this world it is unreal. Not only do I love them and want to spend endless amounts of time with them they brighten my childrens day. They are all so loving, kind and considerate. I am always impressed by their manners, they kind words and their love for eachother. Amazing.

8. My friends. Facebook says I have other a hundred friends! Wow I am blessed! :) I am grateful for my facebook friends but I am even more grateful for my TRUE friends. Those that love me even when its hard. Those friends that uplift me, teach me, help me, and show me how to be the best me I can be. I am grateful for my friends that understand I am not perfect, no where near perfect and love me anyway!

9. My job
10. Seth job
11. The Beach - the way it makes my heart feel.
12. Laundry Fresh Out Of the Dryer
13. The roof over my head
14. Jamba Juice
15. Chevy's Grilled Salad
16. Fashion
17. Downtown Monterey
18. The Monterey Bay Aquarium
19. Linkin's accent
20. Sadie's smile.

I am blessed beyond my ability to say. I know that God is real and loves me. I have seen his hand in my life so many times. I love my life and I am grateful for all I have!


rebekahmott said...

What a wonderful blog. Chels. I think it is wonderful that you are able to put it down on Paper (okay computer) So well. You inspire me.

Rebecca said...

Wonderful & Beautiful. You are so Very Loved and Adored Chelsea.