Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Recovery

My house has not been the same since Christmas morning. It isn't so much about lack of cleaning because I have been cleaning as much as this pregnant body can clean however it just keeps snowballing.

Reason 1: The kids got new toys

Reason 2: The kids don't have school this week

Reason 3: Sadie's been waking up at 3am getting out of bed and playing for a hour and half dragging toys from room to room while everyone is asleep

Reason 4: My level of energy to keep up with it all isn't adequate

Just hoping to find some energy before....

Or at least a cleaning service.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's A Girl!!

We were all surprised to hear the technician say "It's a Girl!" We were all sure we were having a boy. Linkin was so sure that he knows the tech was wrong and I will be delivering a boy. Dispite his opinion we are moving forward with the idea it is a girl. YAY Hoooray!

What is Seth going to do with two princesses in the house?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Week 19 -

Aside from the roundness of my face and other body parts, I am enjoying pregnancy. I am enjoying that the morning sickness is gone, for the most part. I am enjoying that I have a bit more energy then I did a few weeks ago. I am enjoying picking out names (I have my heart pretty set).

I am really excited that I will be finding out the gender of this baby on Wednesday. I always look forward to this ultrasound and always look forward to knowing if it is a boy or a girl. As much as I am looking forward to knowing the gender, I am more excited about seeing that everything is ok. That the baby is happy, healthy and moving around nicely. I know as women we all hope for that with the babies we are carrying but for some reason I feel that more strongly this time.

My thoughts on this are this....Linkin is so excited about having another sibling, Sadie talks to my belly and Seth comments on his love for my ever growing belly. When other people are invested in your pregnancy, in this baby it makes things more real. It makes my desire for things to go smoothly stronger. Does that make sense.

Anyway, needless to say I am looking forward to my ultrasound on Wednesday. I will keep you all posted.

Is it funny that I am looking forward to my stay in the hospital? It is months away but it is always such a special time for me. Those first days with a new baby where you are not worried about food and laundry. Awwww I look forward to that time. Silly.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How lovely is a box of crayons? Crayons and I have had a relationship for about 26, 27 years now maybe even longer. It is an on and off relationship but I never forget about crayons. When I hear crayons I always smile. Today I had a little reminder of what it felt like the first time I met crayon. Linkin got his first real 48 count box of crayons.
His response "WOW, there is even tan! VIOLET!! They even have gray!"
How amazing to have all the colors of this world in your finger tips.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I wish I were napping...however I have a list of things that need to get done.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Today Linkin and I had the chance to go up to San Jose together. He had a doctor appointment so we had the afternoon to ourselves. We went to the doctor and then headed to Santana Row. We had lunch and then headed over for a little treat. We went big today.

After our treat (ben and jerry's) we headed over for a big game of chess! It was fun!

We summed up the afternoon by fufilling one of Linkin's dreams. We added a member to the family. We call him Peter Pan, Fisher, Jerry or Pirate. Whatever sounds good at the time. We will see if anything sticks.

He couldn't be happier with his new fish. He told Seth he never needed to play the iPhone again he would be too busy playing with Fisherman Jerry Pan! Haha. We will see how long that lasts.

It was a great day!

Monday, November 2, 2009


I have know for a long time that Sadie was...well....active, curious, chatty, fun, smart, cute and a wonderful addition to our home. What I didn't know was that she was....Sadini....while I was driving in the car today.

Where do we go from here?

Happy Halloween!!

We had the pleasure of having Shaggy and Lady Sadie at our house this week! They both looked GREAT!

They both got to wear their costumes to school. Linkin's class did a parade for the whole school! He loved it. He had a special visitor, Kris was able to make it over and watch him. That really made his day. Sadie got tons of treats from her school and was happy to go with Nanny to a special lunch at Pops work. It was a great Friday. Saturday was great too. We went to our ward trunk or treat and then headed out for some trick or treating around the area. Sadie enjoyed passing out the candy and standing at the door yelling "Happy Halloween!!" So much fun!

We carved pumpkins! Linkin was very concerned all week about carving pumpkins and getting his pumpkin carving kit. We decided to do them Friday night so they were nice and fresh for Saturday. We all had a great time!


I have one more to add.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pumpkin Patch With Nan And Pops

Nan and Pops (Kris and Don) came with us to the pumpkin patch this year! How fun. The kids did lots of jumping on the jumpy house, we saw lots of animals, we picked out a few pumpkins and even got to hold a rabbit or two. It was a great evening. Yay, for Halloween!

Snail Family

We pulled up our Tomato plant right after the rain. The ground was wet it was the perfect time to clean our the garden. In doing so we found a lot of new friends. Linkin had a blast out there! Here is what he found.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Dance Party!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

There's A Baby In There

Now the test said "Pregnant". I went to the doctor and she said "Yes, you are pregnant". Today I had an ultrasound and the screen said "YES, THERE IS A BABY IN THERE!" It has hands, feet, eyes, and it moves around. I realize this is my 3rd pregnancy and I should be use to the ultrasounds but as soon as she found the baby my heart jumped a bit. I kept saying "wow!" as if I hadn't ever seen it before. I guess for some strange reason there was a part of me that just couldn't wrap my brain around it. I mean the my body is clearly showing all the signs of pregnancy. It was so wonderful! I left the appointment feeling so excited, so happy and just beside myself. I am so excited to be adding another sweet sweet baby to our home.

I am 12 weeks and 1 day! My due date (we all know how I love due dates) May 10th.

Seth was also very excited about the new arrival. He held Linkin on his lap during the ultrasound and showed Linkin where everything was. He was a proud daddy! Seth's first guess was it was a girl due to the size of it's tiny tiny bladder. However after reminding him who's always asking for potty breaks on road trip he realized it must be his son!

Needless to say we are all looking forward to our new addition. So exciting!

It will be a few weeks before we find out what we are having but we will keep you posted!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Want Jamba!

The Orange Dream Machine sounds SOOOOOO good right now! I think I will be making a run in the early AM. YUM!

A Prayer In My Pocket

A febrile seizure, also known as a fever fit or febrile convulsion, is a convulsion triggered by a rise in body temperature. They most commonly occur in children between the ages of 3 months and 5 years and are twice as common in boys than girls.[1] The direct cause of a febrile seizure is not known; however, it is normally precipitated by a recent upper respiratory infection or gastroenteritis. A febrile seizure is the effect of a sudden rise in temperature (>39°C/102°F) rather than a fever that has been present for a prolonged length of time.[1]
Febrile seizures represent the meeting point between a low seizure threshold (genetically and age-determined; some children have a greater tendency to have seizures under certain circumstances) and a trigger, which is fever. The genetic causes of febrile seizures are still being researched. Some mutations that cause a neuronal hyperexcitability (and could be responsible for febrile seizures) have already been discovered.

I keep thinking "something just never get easy" I guess I wan't hoping a seizure would get easy rather I wish when Linkin was going through one that I wouldn't react as if it was the first time. After 5 years I wish I was in better control of my emotions when it is happening but no, I freak out just as I did the first time I saw him go through it.

Anyway, I thank my Father in Heaven for watching over Linkin. For keeping him safe. For protecting him through the seizure. Every time Linkin is faced with a seizure it reminds me the blessing of good health. I am always amazing how Linkin fights through these trials and always has a happy positive attitude. He has never said "why me" or expressed any frustration for his challenges. What a wonderful, wonderful example his is to me.

My prayer is that his body will quickly recover and fight off whatever is causing this fever/sickness.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Do You Smell That?

Every thing smells. Some things smell SO good. Example Glade smelly sprays, Glade smelly candles, my smelly lotions, and fresh baked cookies. Some things smell yucky Subway meatball sandwich (I am sure it tastes sooo good), Linkin's bathroom, burnt popcorn and many other things.

Lately I have been lighting all the candles in my house, spraying yummy sprays that bring the fall spirit into the house and listening to calming "spa" music. I have already decorated my entired house in a spa theme (in my mind of course) and have put a large dripping fountain in my bedroom a long with surround sound to play my "spa" music (in my mind).

It is so interesting how the mixer of Fall, rain and hormones can bring on the urge to have yummy smelly things around me all the time! I LOVE Fall!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Todays Outting



A Great Day!

Today I decided to take the kids out on a little "Fun Day". Seth needed some time to put his talk for church tomorrow together and the kids needed a little day out. Since Big Sur was out of the question

(You see I can't get myself to Big Sur by myself, with out someone driving because of my fear of heights. I often see myself driving with the kids out there conquering my fears and then I see myself stuck in Big Sur with the kids and unable to drive myself home. Then Seth has to beg his parents to come with him to pick me up and there I am a little girl again scared of heights. Anyway that has not point really to my story here)

I decided to take the kids to "Kid Fest" at the Monterey Fair grounds. It is a free event put on my the local recycling center. It was amazing, it was just perfect for the kids. From carnival games, face painting, jumpy houses, clowns, music, candy and a fire truck and EVERYTHING was F R E E! I didn't even spend a penny! It was GREAT!

We finished the evening up with a little Pizza My Heart since we Heart Pizza My Heart! (I had Chipotle YUMMMMMMM).

We all had a great afternoon. Even Seth, who was able to put together an amazing talk that already had me crying and we aren't even at church yet. He was born to speak. "Dear Bishop, Seth was born to speak and is very motivational...." Hahahahah!

What a wonderful afternoon.

The Full Mom Has Been Revived...But Is Still On Life Support

As I said in my previous post Linkin prayed "Bless Mom not to be a half Mom any more". Well the next day on the way to work I vowed that for today I won't be a half Mom. The day started out great. I was dressed nice, hair and make up done, heels on and feeling happy to be me! The morning went on well I was getting so much done and feeling good. I was very busy at work but that was ok it was all working out. Then my phone rang...

Seth: "Linkin, Linkin, Linkin" (not frantic but concerned)

Me: "WHAT? What's going on?" (me thinking of all the reasons he would be saying this)

Seth: "You didn't pick Linkin up from school. He is still at school (30 minutes late)

Off I went freaking out a bit to pick him up. I found him in the Principals office! I'm a winner. What do you say to the Principal of the school when you are 30 minutes late picking up you child?

Me: "................................................"

Principal "..........................................."

Me: "Thank you"

So I drove back to work with Linkin realizing that Linkin was a bit right about this half mom thing. A little self defense - I am pregnant, we did spend last weekend at Disneyland, and I worked 45 hours this week (that is a lot for me), I...ok that's it.

What this made me realize is that I needed to revive the full Mom. I knew not to expect a full recovery, that isn't something that is going to happen for some time however a valid effort to revive full mom was much needed.

To begin my revival I asked Linkin out on a "One on One" Date. He accepted my offer so off we were to a mom and son date.

We went to Islands for a fine burger and drinks

Then off to Borders we went to pick out a couple books

Needless to say it was wonderful evening. Linkin seemed happy to have some one on one time with full mom and like wise I was happy to have some time with full mom too...just kidding I was very happy to have some one on one time with Linkin. It was a much needed outting. It also reminded me just how much I have missed Monterey and the Beach. It has been so long since my toes hit the sand, I heard the sound of the ocean and smelt the salty air. (oh that is a whole other blog)

I did however walk in the door and crash on the bed and sleep until my alarm told me it was time to go to work...6am!

Thank you to my father in heaven for the inner strength to be a full mom for the day.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kids Words

Linkin really really really wants a pair of slip on shoes. A few friends of his at school have them and he really wants a pair. We have been talking about it for a few weeks now. Yesterday morning 6:20am. I am in my closet getting dressed....

Linkin: "Mom, I noticed you are wearing slip on shoes. I see they were easy for you to put on!"

As I keep saying in my post lately I haven't been feeling great. I have been taking naps in the afternoons. Tonight during our bedtime prayers.

"Please bless mom that she won't be a half a mom any more"

Blessings Big and Small

I have been so blessed over the past few weeks. I feel overwhelmed with the love that my Savior has for me. Over the past few weeks there have been numerous people who have touched and blessed my life. I feel so grateful.

Last weekend dispite not feeling 100 perfect I decided I didn't want to spend the weekend way from Seth who was going down south so I packed myself and the kids up and went with him. It was a rough trip however there were some upsides. My lovely aunt Roberta got me and the kids into Disneyland so we were able to spend some time there and have a good time. Linkin had the time of his life. He WALKED for 8 full hours with out any complaints. It was amazing. As I got in my car at the end of the day I was overwhelmed with gratitude for my aunt and her willingness to bless my life.

While we were down there we stayed with my cousin Emalee who took us in and made sure we had a tastey breakfast and dinner! The kids played well together.

As we started the driver back to Salinas I began to regret making the trip. I wasn't feeling well, the kids were tired, we had a long drive that keep feeling endless. I was beginning to forget about the blessings I had just received. I began to tell myself how silly I was to leave for the weekend when I didn't feel good, I had so much to do at home, my house was a wreak and all because I didn't want to be by myself (pregnancy makes me clingy I guess, I am a worry wart and pregnancy makes it worse).

When I got home I walked in the house I could smell a clean smell. EVERYTHING was clean from the floors to the laundry I had, the dishes, the kitchen counters, the kids bedrooms, the bathrooms, the trash cans washed and smelling good. I stood there overwhelmed with joy, love and gratitude. There was nothing more I could do but sob like a baby. Who would have done something so sweet, so generous, so loving for us? Kris and Don. They spent their weekend doing a wonderful service for me and my family. I am SO blessed! Over the past week I have been able to maintain a clean house and and rest when needed. I feel so blessed.

I am so grateful to my heavenly father for putting wonderful loving people in my life. From my wonderful sister and mother coming up and helping to my amazing in-laws to my aunt who I adore, how blessed I feel. I am so blessed.

Thank you to all those who have blessed my life in so many ways. Thank you!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eating - Yes more food blogs

Over the past few weeks I have been doing more eating in random places than ever. Over the past few weeks I have found myself eating in my car more times than I can count and eating at my desk at work, more than normal. You see, eating doesn't seem appealing to me at this time. Nothing really smells good, nothing really sounds good and not much is staying down so when I get the urge to eat I have to do it where ever I am.

As I was driving in my car last week and eating I realized there was NO way to eat pretty while driving. Every time I eat and drive at the same time it is unpleasant to look at. I mean not that I can really see myself but I can get the picture and it isn't pretty. How do you get around looking like a slob while eating in your car?

This morning at work I had my standard BLT breakfast and while I am sitting at my desk eating I realize again that I am looking very much like a starving child with no manners.

I am not really sure what the solution to bad eating is. How do we look pretty and proper while eating a BLT for breakfast at you desk? Hmmmmm. For the love of food! Needless to say I am looking forward to getting past the first trimester! Back to normal eating.