Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Recovery

My house has not been the same since Christmas morning. It isn't so much about lack of cleaning because I have been cleaning as much as this pregnant body can clean however it just keeps snowballing.

Reason 1: The kids got new toys

Reason 2: The kids don't have school this week

Reason 3: Sadie's been waking up at 3am getting out of bed and playing for a hour and half dragging toys from room to room while everyone is asleep

Reason 4: My level of energy to keep up with it all isn't adequate

Just hoping to find some energy before....

Or at least a cleaning service.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's A Girl!!

We were all surprised to hear the technician say "It's a Girl!" We were all sure we were having a boy. Linkin was so sure that he knows the tech was wrong and I will be delivering a boy. Dispite his opinion we are moving forward with the idea it is a girl. YAY Hoooray!

What is Seth going to do with two princesses in the house?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Week 19 -

Aside from the roundness of my face and other body parts, I am enjoying pregnancy. I am enjoying that the morning sickness is gone, for the most part. I am enjoying that I have a bit more energy then I did a few weeks ago. I am enjoying picking out names (I have my heart pretty set).

I am really excited that I will be finding out the gender of this baby on Wednesday. I always look forward to this ultrasound and always look forward to knowing if it is a boy or a girl. As much as I am looking forward to knowing the gender, I am more excited about seeing that everything is ok. That the baby is happy, healthy and moving around nicely. I know as women we all hope for that with the babies we are carrying but for some reason I feel that more strongly this time.

My thoughts on this are this....Linkin is so excited about having another sibling, Sadie talks to my belly and Seth comments on his love for my ever growing belly. When other people are invested in your pregnancy, in this baby it makes things more real. It makes my desire for things to go smoothly stronger. Does that make sense.

Anyway, needless to say I am looking forward to my ultrasound on Wednesday. I will keep you all posted.

Is it funny that I am looking forward to my stay in the hospital? It is months away but it is always such a special time for me. Those first days with a new baby where you are not worried about food and laundry. Awwww I look forward to that time. Silly.