Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quick Potty Update

Sadie is doing great with potty training. Today was her first day at school going potty. She went several times in the toliet and only had one accident. No complains here!

Go Sadie!

Food, Food, Food - I guess I am pregnant

So I know my last blog was about food and it isn't so much that I am enjoying all the eating of the food, I mean I am but with spouts of sickness I am very cautious of what I am eating. It is the sense of accomplishment that I am having it cooking great meals!

So tonight for dinner I wanted to make is enchilada pie that had been sounding good to me all weekend. I didn't have any enchilada sauce so I thought BUMMER it just won't be the same with just salsa. Then it hit me....I bet I can make homemade sauce!! So I googled "Easy Enchilada Sauce" and BAM! Easy, I had all the things I needed and it tasted GREAT!!

So I whipped up a quick and easy enchilada pie with homemade sauce. YUM!

Don't think I'll be cooking dinner tomorrow....we have Enchilada Pie, Meat Loaf, and Chicken and Dumplings (Seth's mom brought over a wonderful meal!! So sweet, so thankful!) I think we will be living off leftovers for a few days. I would invite you all over for dinner but our home is still being quarantined.

(all of the sudden I am hungry again!)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Meatloaf And Plenty Of Pot Pie

They would be so proud...My loving Mother and sister Rebekah came to my house this weekend and saved me from the wreckage that is myself! the first few weeks of this pregnancy have hit me a bit harder than expected. One thing led to another and before I knew it we had no food, no clean undies and no light at the end of the tunnel. It was looking like takeout every day and going commando. So my sister and mother to the rescue....and let me tell you it really helped. I am back on my feet and feeling much much better!

Rebekah made a yummy sloppy joe mix for Sunday night dinner however it only made it to Sunday lunch (ok Saturday late night snack) and Sunday lunch. Luckily I was left with plenty of food and a great menu!

So far I made a Chicken Pot Pie.

"This tastes like a real pot pie!" After Seth's first bite

Align Center


Now cooking in the oven is the Motts Famous Meatloaf. Hoping I can live up to the Motts standards.

Looks good and smells good so far. Wish me luck that is will taste as good as it smells.

I can't say thank you enough to Rebekah and my Mother for coming and helping me out in a time where I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. What a huge sense of relief I have felt since Saturday. Thank you, Thank you. It really meant the so much to me.


Potty Training

Ok, so I have been deciding if I should potty train Sadie or not. My concern is she is only 2, I wouldn't even consider it but she is READY. She is showing all the signs of needing to be potty trained. So I got my answer....

Yesterday durning Sacrament at church, everyone is quietly thinking about Christ and all things spritual Sadie says aloud "MOM, I HAVE TO GO POOP!". So I quickly, very quickly rush her to the bathroom and sure enough she pooped in the toilet. We returned to our seats. 10 minutes later she ""MOM, I HAVE TO GO POOP!". We rushed out again and to my suprise she pooped again!

We have been home today and she has been consistantly going potty on the toilet. I got up this morning and got her the little toliet that goes on the regular toilet. It really seems to be working!

I am so excited. Could it be? Could my 2 year old be potty trained! YEAH!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We all love SIS!

Me and my kids are SOOOO lucky! Today was a day full of fun for my two kids and super helpful for me too.

To start off Robin - aka sis - picked up Sadie from school and took her on a birthday fun day. It started of with some ADOREABLE gifts followed by lunch and a day of shopping. She got to pick out some cute things. She choose a cute purse, lip gloss, hand wash and nail polish. So super cute. She came home with her lips all shinny and a big smile on her face! What a wonderful day with Sis!

Sadie Hearts Sis!

The evening concluded with Linkin getting a trip to "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" with Sis. Oh I wish you could have seen his face when he heard she was taking him! You would have thought his heart was going to jump out of his chest. He was so excited he could hardly get dressed. I hope he made it out of the house with pants on! hahaha.

He is there now having the time of his life I am sure. Did I mention it is in 3D? Lucky kid!!

Linkin Hearts Sis!

We are all so lucky to have sis so close to us. Always willing to lend a helping hand and always willing to take my kids on a fun adventure. I feel so blessed, I really do feel so blessed to have her here. We are one lucky family!!

We are blessed!

He Is A Businessman

We attended a birthday party this weekend and there was a clown there making balloon animals. Today I took Linkin with me to Longs and he picked out a balloon animal making kit. As soon as we got in the car he was working on how to make different animals.
Once we got home and could really get into it (found instructions on youtube). We were able to make a flower, dog, sword and Linkin self tought rat he was ready to be in business. He was making them with prices and planning a date and time of our grand opening.
I tell you he is a real salesman. So far we have had "Sneakers BBQ", a lemonade stand and a school fundrasier that he was so excited about. He is all about the sales baby! He has had many other wonderful idea of how to sell things. I try as much as possible to allow him to follow out his dreams. So we may be setting up a animal balloon shop in the front yard before the winter hits.
What a wonderful kid! I sure got lucky!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Word Baby #3

Seth and I are proud to announce that we are expecting Word Baby #3!
I am not really sure how far a long I am. I see the doctor next week.
This was a plan pregnancy we just didn't know it would happen so soon. When you give God an chance he takes it!
Linkin is so excited he can't belive it.
Sadie...well, she don't quite understand it all yet.
The morning sickness (aka all day sickness) is getting the best of me at this point. I haven't been able to keep much down. Yuck! I was sick like this with Linkin...maybe a boy? I hope that the sickness will subside soon so I am resume normal activity.
We are all looking forward to the new addition to our family!

Nan And Pops Suprise

Nan and Pops (Seth's parents) came over tonight to share in Sadie's birthday celebration! Nan was sooooo SWEET and made the BEST cupcakes any two year old could ask for (I was two once!) They were so tasty!

Followed by adoreable gifts. She got some of the cutest dresses, pants and socks a girl could ask for. A jean jacket all of us girls would go crazy for and a beautiful precious dress. They all fit perfect and look so sweet on her. Beautiful!

Then she got a cute book with a puppet frog. She hasn't put the frog down and has read the book a few times already! (see above picture)

And of course her favorite was the dress up shoes she got! They are the cutest thing ever. There isn't anything much cuter than a 2 year old little girl walking around in a diaper and high heels! Love it!!

Thank you so much Nan and Pops for wonderful birthday gifts! We love Nan and Pops!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sadie Turns 2

Happy Birthday Sadie Girl

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sadie Turn 2 Tomorrow

Sadie Turns 2 Tomorrow - September 21!
She Got A Cute Outfits And A Wonderful Book From Grandma And Grandpa
Pink Hearts "My Favorite" - Sadie
I think she loves the Green One Too!

They all fit perfect and look adorable. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Death By Cold Sore

It has been a long while since my last cold sore. Normally they just come and go and that is that. My body has been a little rundown lately - I had a cold/cough that lingered for 3 weeks and then the cold sore. This thing has no intention of leaving. It is at the worse stage...in my opinion...well wait the worse stage is the stage where they are swollen and just look gross. The stage I am in now it the "I am almost gone stage" GREAT! Right?! Wrong, everytime I smile, eat, laugh, yawn, and really open my mouth much it begins to bleed. Bleed like I just got punched in the face. On Sunday I had to leave at the end of the lesson because I yawned and it begin bleeding...dripping down my face on to my hands! Yes, seriously. On Tuesday as I was walking out of the office to get some food and I laughed and again bleeding...not as bad as the first time. Today everytime I took a bite of my food it began to bleed. I am debating if I should even eat at this point. I am afraid I might die if I don't eat..."How did she die?" "Death by cold sore".

Monday, September 14, 2009

I Feel So Blessed

Yesterday I sat in church overwhelmed with joy, peace and appreciation. There are so many things I am grateful for so I thought today, right now would be a good time to list all the wonderful things I am grateful for!

1. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and my Savor Jesus Christ.

I am grateful to my Father in Heaven for giving me this time here on Earth. How blessed I am to have this time to develop myself and strive to be better. To come to this Earth and build freindships and relationships with people around me. To be surrounded by the beauty of this Earth. How blessed I am to live near the ocean. A place of peace and beauty.

I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the sacrifice that he made for me that I can be forgiven, that I can know the truth, that I can have freedom from bondage. Words can't discribe my gratitude to my Savior for the ability to be forgiven. I have made many mistakes in my life, offended those I love, defied the things I know to be true and yet I have been forgiven and can continue to be forgiven for my sins.

I am without a doubt in debt to my Father in Heaven and my Savior for the numberous blessings that have been poured out upon me. My heart if full of gratitude.

2. I am grateful for my husband - Seth. We were so young when we met. I was just 17 years old. After he served his mission we were married, I was 20 and he was 21. I had so much growing to do, so much maturing to do, so much changing to do and he loved me through it all. You know that feeling when you meet someone for the first time and you know you met them some where else before, that is the feeling I felt when I met Seth for the first time. I am grateful that we have grown up together, we have shared the best of things and the worst of things.

3. My children, I am so grateful for them! There are so many things about them that I love. Linkin is full of energy, strength, understanding and knowledge. He is so sweet and loving. Sadie is so silly, she is so fun, she is so chatty which we all know I love. Together they are something else. They are so sweet to one another. They teach eachother things and they play soooo well together.

4. My parents, they are wonderful parents that did a great job at teaching me right from wrong. They were parents who didn't seem to waiver. I knew exactly where they stood on things. They are parents that are loving, kind and helpful. Both of my parents are very talented which is amazing and also gives me inner strength to be creative and find talents. They are both very loving.

5. My siblings to them I am grateful...forever grateful. Who wouldn't love built in friends. Friends that long ago decided we were in this forever. Each of my siblings have a special place in my heart. (one day I am going to blog about each of them and everything I love about them. Stay tuned) I think of the things that they each bring in to my life and I feel overwhelmed with joy. At any given time I can lean on them, trust them, and share my thoughts with them. I am sure that each of them has been offended by me, hurt by me or angry with me however they have forgiven me of my faults and love me any way. (right guys?) Each of their spouses I think of them as my brothers and sisters as well. I adore each of them so much. I know God knew what he was doing when he paired up all up. Each of them fit perfectly into our family. Not only that they have all made LOVELY children! I thank God for each of my siblings

6. My in-laws - I am so blessed to be a part of Seth's family. They are all so helpful, willing and fun. My kids (as well as myself) adore them. Linkin had a wonderful opportunity to go to Fresno with Seth and his Dad on their annual hunting trip. Linkin had such a wonderful time filled with MAN Stuff. Kris and I had the pleasure of driving over together a few day later and it was so enjoy able to chat and enjoy one anothers company.

7. My Neices and Nephews. This summer I had the pleasure of seeing many of my neices and nephews...well I saw all of them but many of them came to visit me. I adore each of them. Each of them brings so much to this world it is unreal. Not only do I love them and want to spend endless amounts of time with them they brighten my childrens day. They are all so loving, kind and considerate. I am always impressed by their manners, they kind words and their love for eachother. Amazing.

8. My friends. Facebook says I have other a hundred friends! Wow I am blessed! :) I am grateful for my facebook friends but I am even more grateful for my TRUE friends. Those that love me even when its hard. Those friends that uplift me, teach me, help me, and show me how to be the best me I can be. I am grateful for my friends that understand I am not perfect, no where near perfect and love me anyway!

9. My job
10. Seth job
11. The Beach - the way it makes my heart feel.
12. Laundry Fresh Out Of the Dryer
13. The roof over my head
14. Jamba Juice
15. Chevy's Grilled Salad
16. Fashion
17. Downtown Monterey
18. The Monterey Bay Aquarium
19. Linkin's accent
20. Sadie's smile.

I am blessed beyond my ability to say. I know that God is real and loves me. I have seen his hand in my life so many times. I love my life and I am grateful for all I have!

The Trainer

Have you ever seen anthing as cute as this? What a sweet sight!
(Don't mind the big white box, respecting her privacy)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Good Bye Drainy

As seen in my previous blog Sadie loves the show Little Einsteins. We got her some toys which she called Grannie (Annie) and Drainy (June). When we should ask to watch Little Einsteins she would say "Mom can I watch Grannie, Drainy and Leo?" We loved it. She wouldn't say Quincy because well, it was hard to say so she just skipped it. When she would play with June she always called her Drainy. It finally happened...she now calls her JUNE! Boo Hoo for us. We loved that she had these cute little names for them. I am not sad because she is speaking correctly. I am sad because my little baby girl has now grown into a big two year old (next week). Booo Hooo, how quickly our babies grow to be big!
So Today We Say Good-bye To Drainy And Hello To June

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Super Sweet And Exact!

The sweetest thing - I came home from work today to a lovely green gift on my front step. Not only was it wrapped cute it was exactly what I have been dreaming about for the past few weeks! Mrs Audrey left me a bag full of tasty tomatoes. She dropped them off around 1pm and and it is 4pm now and they are all done...truth be told they were gone by 2pm! In the mist of eating them I realized I needed to take a quick picture so the above picture is what was remaining!

These tomatoes are as yummy as the Mott families tomatoes! Yummy Yum Yum! On top of a VERY satisfied belly I feel so lucky to have a lovely friend like Audrey! What a super sweet gift! Thank you for sharing with me. (ooops, I guess I should have shared with Seth.)

Thank you! Thank you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Desires

I dream of myself in this dress. It has been in my "cart" online for a few weeks now. I just need to push the "check out button". I L-O-V-E it.

This hair cut along with Natalie Portman's is the cut I am always striving for.

It is just Gap, that isn't so bad right? Love the bag!

It screams CHELSEA, I wouldn't mind the freckles and red hair either but mostly I want the headband. L-O-V-E!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Love This

Sadie At The Aquarium In The Wave

Not The Same, Not Even Close

The Mott family has a wonderful, inspirational garden with the most amazing tomatoes. When I was up in Sacramento Nolan was kind enough to share a few with me. They are like Gold they are not handed out openly. You might not understand until you sink your teeth into one of them. They are warm, juice and have a little bit of fuzzy on the outside the tells you they are FRESH off the rine.

I went to Trader Joe's and spotted these tomatoes and thought PERFECT! I have been dreaming of them since I tasted them. I couldn't wait to get home and sink my teeth in. Once home I sunk my teeth in and....not the same, not even close.

I can't wait for my next trip to Sacramento for some YUMMY tomatoes...assuming they won't all be gone. Booo Hooo.

You Left Me No Choice

I tried. I tried to tell you to stay out. I tried to encourage you to move on. I tried to put things in your way to warn you to leave before it gets worse. I told your friend to help you leave. However you won't give up and you have left me no choice.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Anniversary

My lovely parents have been married for 39 years today! To them I say Happy Anniversary!!


Linkin received the best package in the mail today. As well all know mail is amazing but packages are WONDERFUL! How exciting.

The card read "Dear Linkin, Mason found these on the beach and thought you might like to have them Hope you are well. We miss you lots. Love Mandy and Mason"

HOW SWEET! Here is what we found in the wonderful package.

Linkin said "Did he REALLY find all these shells? He is a good finder!" He also said "He really sent these to me or maybe did his mom force him to send these to me because these are really cool shells!" Hahaha. We loved his shells and stickers. He can't wait for show and tell day at school to be able to share this shells. Linkin, Sadie and I are beach lovers so this gift is just so perfect for him! He also said "Florida is an awesome place"


Seth has my cell phone but we will be calling you guys as soon as he gets home!

Love you ALL!

A Zane Weekend!

The Word Family was lucky enough to get a wonderful visit from Zane! He arrived last Friday (he and Linkin were asleep) and was able to stay until Sunday afternoon. The theme of the weekend was Twinners! From the moment they saw eachother early Staturday morning they knew they were twins since they had the same hat. This meant they needed to dress alike the too.

First we headed out to Monterey for the day. (love taking EVERYONE to monterey, it is my favorite place. It never gets old to me) We headed over to the yummiest pizza place in Salinas and had the yummiest pizza!

After our bellies were full of pizza but had a little room left we headed down to cannery row for some MoYO

I think they liked it! We had a great time laughing, eating and watching the waves crash against the rocks. After this we headed over to the BEACH! How fun! Lovers Point was way too busy, I couldn't even find parking so we went out a ways and found a little beach off the road and had blast.

They worked great together moving rocks, chasing waves and climbing rocks! It was so much fun to watch. Before we head to the aquarium Linkin had a little fall on the rocks. We was bleeding pretty good so we had to head back home.

We got Linkin cleaned up and we got the boys matching bandaids, remember they are twins. Can't go without match bandaids. We were also able to make it to the Aquarium. We went during the Member hours so we were able to see everything we wanted without too many crowds!

We all had a great time. We played a lot of Deal or No Deal in the car which was so much fun and a lot of laughs. The boys played so hard together and did have even one disagreement or problem. Zane is a loving, wonderful and thoughtful kids. While were taking a picture at the Yummiest Pizza place Linkin trip and fell. He was pretty embarrassed when Zane said "I like to fall, it is AWESOME!". Linkin felt so much better about his fall. What a sweetie Zane!

When Ian and Heather got here to pick up Zane it was not and easy thing for those boys. They had really decided they were twins and were very sad to be separated at birth! Hahaha. There were quite a few tears and Linkin's lasted most of the afternoon.

A Post In Waiting

Ok, so I have been waiting, waiting, waiting to post about our weekend with the Mott boy. Eric, Nolan and Max all came for a WONDERFUL vist a few weekends ago. I had been waiting to tell you all how much fun we had because I was trying to figure out how to upload the pictures from my phone...in the process the pictures have been lost!! Ahhhhhh! So here is my blog minus the SUPER CUTE pictures.

The Mott boys come up for a little visit. On Friday we went to the the Aquarium. Grandma came up to visit the aquarium with us. It as awesome. The boys got to see everything, touch almost everything, and climb on lots of stuff. My favorite thing was when we went to the touch pool and Max was not about to touch anything in the water. I mentioned there was rock in the water he could touch it had a few little things on it but it was def a rock. He was able to talk himself in to it and he touched the rock. Later he said to his mom "I touch a rock, it was a REAL rock" How super cute!! We headed over to MoYo for some frozen yogurt. They place is AWESOME. It is service yourself and you get to pick out toppings etc it is fun and super yummy. We all enjoyed that part! Yummy!

Saturday Eric and I took the kids to dennis the menace park where we played for a while. We did the shakey bridge and the twisty slide and Eric even did the fun conveyor belt slide. That was awesome! That was fun.

After a little Jamba Juice we headed down to the warf where we did all kinds of fun things. We got to see George and his birds. The boys got to hold a bird, except Max who was happy staying far far away from the birds! After that we hit the candy shop! Eric introduced me to black licorice which I have never been a fan of but found myself enjoying the rootbeer concentrate tasting candy. It was good. And of course we had to get the boys faces painted!! It was so fun. I tried to get Eric to paint his face but he wouldn't do it.
We had a wonderful time. I feel so blessed to have a wonderful family with such wonderful kids and spouses. It was a great weeked. Eric is a crack up and the boys are so fun!!
Thanks Mott Boys for coming to visit!