Sunday, January 31, 2010

Flighting A Cold Productively
1. Herbal Tea
2. Rest, Rest, Rest
3. Soup
4. Rest
I realize this is the best way to fight a cold however I chose a different route that seems to have worked just as well.
I tied up many loose ends around the house. From getting new pillows and a few decor items to filing all my past bills that I have neglected for so long, doing laundry, vacuuming, taking out the garbage cans, and rearranging some rooms in the house. I did however fit a nap in there today. I feel so good about all my accomplishments that I think it might acutally be helping my cold. Is the even possible? Well, either way I have the evening to relax and feel like I can start this next week with much less stress because I have things in order.
The kids are also fighting mild colds so they are relaxing and having movie night, popcorn and milk. Can't beat that.
I think this evening I will refer to the beginning of the blog and shower myself with -
1. Herbal Tea
2. Rest, Rest, Rest
3. Soup
4. Rest


rebekahmott said...

You sound so busy, I am jelous of all the things you are getting done. I hope you are felling better and not wearing yourself out. I wish I lived closer so I could come and help and hang out!