Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Broken Bleed
If you ready my mother's blog then you got a wonderful version of Sadie and her broken bleed . (mom, I loved your version!) If not here is just a quick background to these pictures below.

This weekend we spent time at my parents house. Sadie picked up a piece of sharp tile and Link came to her aid and took the tile from her which caused a pretty deep cut with some deep red blood. Under normal circumstances a bandaid would have done the job however this was Sadies first "broken bleed". She was unable to cope all day. She refused a bandaid and would only allow a wadded up paper towel to be placed on her finger. Hours later, nap and all, when my dad came home she was still pretty broken up about it. Explaining to him her tragic "broken bleed"


Anonymous said...

Oh sweet little Sadie! I miss holding her! Can't wait till I see you all again!