Thursday, January 21, 2010

Reading And This Morning

This morning. Having Seth out of town has given me to chance to get to know myself better. I have already cried about what I have learned so far. Got that out of my system. As I sat here sulking in my inability to parent and such I was blessed with a reminder "Have A New Kid By Friday". My mother, in a loving way I think I had asked for advice, has suggested this book to me months ago. I put the note aside and kept on with my bad-self and my bad-parenting (maybe a little harsh but just need the dramatic effect). Parenting can be so hard, confusing, and leaves me feeling unsuccessful. Linkin is a loving, kind soul that wants to please and protect. Sadie is a strong-willed, care-free, independant soul that wants badly to be 6 even though she is only 2. Well after my sulking was complete, it took some time. I blew my nose and followed the prompting to order myself the book my mother had suggested. What better time to start becoming a better parent than now. So I ordered the following books.

I imagine I will be a new mom by Friday which will result in better children by Friday. I know clearly who is responsible for those children and their behavior. Can't wait to start reading.


Heather said...

hey Chelsea just catching up on your blog and came across this post..Let me know how the books ended up working for you. I am always needing help with my 3 munchkins. thanks! btw don't be too hard on yourself..You are an amazing mother!