Thursday, October 8, 2009

Blessings Big and Small

I have been so blessed over the past few weeks. I feel overwhelmed with the love that my Savior has for me. Over the past few weeks there have been numerous people who have touched and blessed my life. I feel so grateful.

Last weekend dispite not feeling 100 perfect I decided I didn't want to spend the weekend way from Seth who was going down south so I packed myself and the kids up and went with him. It was a rough trip however there were some upsides. My lovely aunt Roberta got me and the kids into Disneyland so we were able to spend some time there and have a good time. Linkin had the time of his life. He WALKED for 8 full hours with out any complaints. It was amazing. As I got in my car at the end of the day I was overwhelmed with gratitude for my aunt and her willingness to bless my life.

While we were down there we stayed with my cousin Emalee who took us in and made sure we had a tastey breakfast and dinner! The kids played well together.

As we started the driver back to Salinas I began to regret making the trip. I wasn't feeling well, the kids were tired, we had a long drive that keep feeling endless. I was beginning to forget about the blessings I had just received. I began to tell myself how silly I was to leave for the weekend when I didn't feel good, I had so much to do at home, my house was a wreak and all because I didn't want to be by myself (pregnancy makes me clingy I guess, I am a worry wart and pregnancy makes it worse).

When I got home I walked in the house I could smell a clean smell. EVERYTHING was clean from the floors to the laundry I had, the dishes, the kitchen counters, the kids bedrooms, the bathrooms, the trash cans washed and smelling good. I stood there overwhelmed with joy, love and gratitude. There was nothing more I could do but sob like a baby. Who would have done something so sweet, so generous, so loving for us? Kris and Don. They spent their weekend doing a wonderful service for me and my family. I am SO blessed! Over the past week I have been able to maintain a clean house and and rest when needed. I feel so blessed.

I am so grateful to my heavenly father for putting wonderful loving people in my life. From my wonderful sister and mother coming up and helping to my amazing in-laws to my aunt who I adore, how blessed I feel. I am so blessed.

Thank you to all those who have blessed my life in so many ways. Thank you!