Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kids Words

Linkin really really really wants a pair of slip on shoes. A few friends of his at school have them and he really wants a pair. We have been talking about it for a few weeks now. Yesterday morning 6:20am. I am in my closet getting dressed....

Linkin: "Mom, I noticed you are wearing slip on shoes. I see they were easy for you to put on!"

As I keep saying in my post lately I haven't been feeling great. I have been taking naps in the afternoons. Tonight during our bedtime prayers.

"Please bless mom that she won't be a half a mom any more"


rebekahmott said...

You are not a half mom. He will know that when he gets married, it is sad but they really don't get it. I think that it takes a long time for boys, men to get it, and sometimes I don't think they ever really get it. You are fine, it is normal to be tired. Holy cow you just spent the weekend and Disneyland!

Anonymous said...

Hey at least he wasn't asking you "why are you so fat?" What? "yeah you know fat( while streching his arms into a cirlce shape)"

Right as we sat down to eat Mason asked Matt that question. It was truely a sad moment.