Sunday, January 31, 2010

Flighting A Cold Productively
1. Herbal Tea
2. Rest, Rest, Rest
3. Soup
4. Rest
I realize this is the best way to fight a cold however I chose a different route that seems to have worked just as well.
I tied up many loose ends around the house. From getting new pillows and a few decor items to filing all my past bills that I have neglected for so long, doing laundry, vacuuming, taking out the garbage cans, and rearranging some rooms in the house. I did however fit a nap in there today. I feel so good about all my accomplishments that I think it might acutally be helping my cold. Is the even possible? Well, either way I have the evening to relax and feel like I can start this next week with much less stress because I have things in order.
The kids are also fighting mild colds so they are relaxing and having movie night, popcorn and milk. Can't beat that.
I think this evening I will refer to the beginning of the blog and shower myself with -
1. Herbal Tea
2. Rest, Rest, Rest
3. Soup
4. Rest

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"I will remember this time forever"

The other day I was picking up crayons from the floor thinking "Why do I let my kids play with crayons". I realized that because of my desire to keep my house tidy I was neglecting to allow them to be creative. We don't have any musical device that the kids can use and no real good place for the kids to sit down and read a book (on their own time. We read at night but a place they could snuggle up and read). I also reflected on my childhood and how crafts and such were always at our finger tips. We were raised in a very creative home. Many of my other siblings homes reflect the same idea, the creative idea. This is when the idea struck me....

We have some extra space in our front room that has been empty (I never minded it. I like open space). I decided this would be a great place to make an "Art Station". So using many of the things we already had around the house I pulled together a little art area, music space, and reading center.

The kids were so excited they couldn't even manage to wait until it was completed. They began creating the moment they could. The music played until bed time and we even read a few books while they hung out on the bean bag chairs. Linkin's favorite song is Puff the Magic Dragon. He has been replaying it over and over again.

This morning first thing the tow of them did was come out and begin creating. I am still trying to figure out the balance between craft making and mess making. This morning was a little rough with the whole idea of cleaning up what they had done before they moved on to the next thing. I anticipate I will figure myself out in the next few days and so will they. My book says we all will by Friday .

I am thrilled the kids have really taken to this area. I am looking forward to them being able to create.

And to top if off Linkin says last night while he is creating and listening to Puff the Magic Dragon "I will remember this time forever".

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Question Of The Day -Today I was asked an interesting question.

"Does Seth Intend To Keep Eating Healthy And Exercising When He Comes Back?"

Now I can't answer for him but here are my thoughts regarding this question. If he didn't intend on keeping up on a healthy eating plan and do some kind of exercise I don't think there would have been any point to him going to the fitness ridge in the first place. Maybe the question was intended more like "Does he intend to continue to lose weight when he comes home?" so with that I kindly said "Yes, he does".

I understand that when Seth decided to go on BL, a national program, he was opening himself up to questions, prodding, and criticism however over the past few years I have be come more and more annoyed that people have an negative opinion regarding his weight.

To avoid going into detail about my feeling on the subject. (since these nay sayers aren't those of you who read my blog) I leave my post with this...

We all have struggles, we all do things at some point we swore we never would, we all have some vice that we use to comfort ourselves, we all have a hard time admitting we have problems and we all have stress in our lives. It is better that we spend our life continually trying, even when we regress than to admit defeat and become sedentary.

I am so proud of Seth and his choice to go to the fitness ridge. He is an amazing husband, father and man. He is like no one else I have ever met. He has been asked to attend a conference at work for the top 10 new producers in this company. He is a loving Father who loves his kids and has a wonderful ability to balance disapline and love. Both Linkin and Sadie great respect for him. He is a loving and supportive husband. He is amazing at showing is appreciation and love for me. I feel so blessed to be married to a wonderful man. I feel so blessed, so truly blessed.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Linkin Turns 6 - Part 1
(becuase I have so much to say and we are only half way through the day!)

Today my little Linkin reminds me is isn't so little any more. He turned 6 today! He has been looking forward to this day for a long time. He was up at 5am ready to celebrate. Sadie and Linkin were sleeping next to eachother. 5am Sadie "Mom, PLEEEEAAASE put me in my crib, Linkin is touching me". He was so excited he kept bumping her and kicking her with excitment. So off to her crib she went.

Finally at 6am I allowed him to get out of bed. He was THRILLED his room was decorated. Last night he kept saying "you are going to decorate my room while I am sleeping right? Right?"

There's the birthday boy. When Sadie woke up she walked by his room, with hands on her chest starring at the sign "Happy Birthday, I am 19! Mom, I am 19. Happy Birthday". Oh No!
Linkin arrives at school where he is crowned super birthday boy for the day!
Minor set back - Linkin has had some hive like activity on his body so he needed to be picked up from school early. By the time we got in the car and down the street swelling was gone and everything was normal. Strange.
Same here. Last no more than 40 minutes then GONE!?!

Linkin enjoying every moment of his WII!
We were bowling together and after his score - Strike, Strike, Spare, Strike, Spare, Spare, Strike (im not kidding) He sits on the couch, kicks up his feet and says "So I have been practicing a bit!"

Linkin was happier than ever to get a gift card in the mail from Mason and Family! He knew exactaly what he wanted to do with the money so he bought some walkie talkies. That was #2 on his birthda wish list! Thank you Mandy!!

Well, the cake is in the oven, the house needs to be put in order and dinner prepared before Nan and Pops get here for a special dinner.
Better hit the road jack!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Since I have been home the past few days I have had a lot of time to see what my house looks like. A few weeks ago we watched some home videos that were taken in our favorite apartment ever in Sacramento. I got a chance to see my old decor. Today I pulled out these old pictures of another favorite apartment here in Salinas. I remember going shopping for home decor with my mom after we moved here. I was so excited once we got everything done. I loved the way my house looked. We have since moved and although all of our stuff came with us it just doesn't looks the same by any means.

Here is the old decor -

I will not be inserting pictures of our current decor however I will say it isn't the same. I know paint and really the style of the house play a big part in deocrating and our home was built in the 80's (my least favorite time period as far as music, decor, clothing and such) funny since I was born in the 80's. So things look a little out dated topping it off with some beat up furniture. The above pictures where When we only had one child and he was still very young so things stayed nice. Also, since we rent we don't have the ability to change anything or to pain in anyway.
So here is my goal, we have some bills to take care of first and once those are taken care of I am going to begin saving for the ideal furniture and decor I want. From the kids bedrooms to the bathrooms making every room have a style and one that blends throughout the whole home. Which I am thinking is contemporary. So by my 30th birthday (2 years from now). I will have my bills taken care of and a beautifully decorated home.
Until then I will enjoy and embrace my eclectic home and start cutting out pictures of my ideal decor in magazines.
Go Team November 2011!

Reading And This Morning

This morning. Having Seth out of town has given me to chance to get to know myself better. I have already cried about what I have learned so far. Got that out of my system. As I sat here sulking in my inability to parent and such I was blessed with a reminder "Have A New Kid By Friday". My mother, in a loving way I think I had asked for advice, has suggested this book to me months ago. I put the note aside and kept on with my bad-self and my bad-parenting (maybe a little harsh but just need the dramatic effect). Parenting can be so hard, confusing, and leaves me feeling unsuccessful. Linkin is a loving, kind soul that wants to please and protect. Sadie is a strong-willed, care-free, independant soul that wants badly to be 6 even though she is only 2. Well after my sulking was complete, it took some time. I blew my nose and followed the prompting to order myself the book my mother had suggested. What better time to start becoming a better parent than now. So I ordered the following books.

I imagine I will be a new mom by Friday which will result in better children by Friday. I know clearly who is responsible for those children and their behavior. Can't wait to start reading.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Where In The World Is Seth Word?

My Wonderful Husband

There he is!

Seth decided to take a big step in the right direction! He headed to "The Biggest Loser Fitness Ridge". It is a facility where people can go to lose weight and focus on their health. . He sounds very happy and very empowered. I am so impressed by him and his strength!

Go Seth!! We Love you!

The Broken Bleed
If you ready my mother's blog then you got a wonderful version of Sadie and her broken bleed . (mom, I loved your version!) If not here is just a quick background to these pictures below.

This weekend we spent time at my parents house. Sadie picked up a piece of sharp tile and Link came to her aid and took the tile from her which caused a pretty deep cut with some deep red blood. Under normal circumstances a bandaid would have done the job however this was Sadies first "broken bleed". She was unable to cope all day. She refused a bandaid and would only allow a wadded up paper towel to be placed on her finger. Hours later, nap and all, when my dad came home she was still pretty broken up about it. Explaining to him her tragic "broken bleed"

Sadie has a new love - dressing herself. Dressing herself as she sees fit for any thing and everything. She can not be swayed on her decision and she will be happy wearing a ball gown to a mud fight. It is her way or the high way when it comes to dressing herself.

The princess at the park
Woke up and came out dressed like this. Ready for the day!

Last but not least princess of PJs. Nothing better.
I imagine it doesn't change with time, the dresses just get more expensive. Start saving up now right?!?

Link and a camera. (this is for my famous, Sundance Festival brother Robert). Seth gave Linkin his old (slightly broken) video camera and I will tell you he has been having the time of his life. Recording everything from the birds/sky to video taping a movie on TV to watch again later. He could be happier.

Before Seth headed on his adventure we decided we would take the kids out for a little fun time. We headed to the driving range where the kids had a blast! How cute are they?!

Some day I will own a car just like this one. Perfect and beautiful!

We always have a great time at the beach! Digging holes, going on adventures, playing in the water, watching the is all so wonderful!

We decided to do some hiking in Toro a few weekend ago as a family. We had a great time hiking.

Sadie Made It To The Top
So Did Linkin

Link Collecting Rocks In Case We Came Across A Bear!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Linkin is so funny!

So we are recording a video to send to Seth (on my iPhone) and Linkin says "I'm joking, I'm joking, really I'm joking." If you haven't noticed he has a bit of a lisp so it sounds, well not as clear. Maybe a little like he has food in his mouth while he is saying it. Anyway, you get what I mean. Before I sent the video Linkin asked to watch it back (mind you, he doesn't notice he has a lisp). While watching it he says "Why am I saying Gthoking, Im Gthoking. Why do I sound like that?" I said "Sweetie that is what you sound like." Linkin says "No, your phone is broken!"

I laughed so hard! Just one of those SUPER cute moments!

Friday, January 8, 2010

I have often thought there was no better sound than that of the waves crashing in the early morning. I was so wrong. As much as I love the sound of the ocean there is nothing better than hearing my children play together. Imagining, believing and enjoying eachother. I would take that over the beach any day. God has truly blessed my life.

My dream has come true. I have brother's that are Mac lovers and got iphones (like 2 years ago or something like that). I have had iPhone envy since then. To my surprise Seth got me an iPhone for our Anniversary....8 years...I was so excited and am still so excited. I just love my new phone!! Yeah for iPhones!