Wednesday, January 19, 2011


this whole krazy coupon thing is an interesting adventure. you know how some people have writers block? well i had shopping block. what women has shopping block? i chipped, i filed, i read the website, i made my list and pulled out the right coupons but yet i couldn't walk in the door. fear, fear that i could fail or become miserably embarrassed when attention at the check outline was directed at me and my coupons.

well monday was the day. i pulled myself together and went to the store. Here is the amount i saved...

safeway savings - $87 (30 percent savings)

walgreen savings - $28 (almost 50 percent savings)

earlier in the week i went to target and hit their huge toy sale for birthday gifts and christmas gifts for this year and old navy had their 80 percent off sale so i made an appearance.

target savings - $170 (70 percent savings)

old navy - $54 (70 perfect savings)

there are a few things i realized after my first krazy shopping -

1. i had to take it slow. i just started this. i am not going to have a coupon for everything yet. i will get better and better with time.

2. it isn't just about the coupons. it is also about watching the sales and buying things that are on sale. then adding a coupon to the sale price is where the big win is. i was able to get cereal - good, name brand cereal - for $1.25 originally $3 -$4 per box. i got several bottles of juice for.99 cents.

3. make sure they charge you the right amount. after leaving walgreens i realized they didn't give me the sale price on 2 items. so i am going to go back.

4. i am motivated to have a year food storage.

i feel like my baby steps gave me big savings. i am sure as i work on it and following the plan i will continue with big savings. yay for being krazy.


robin said...

you go chelsea!

i have been so curious about this whole coupon world. way to jump into it...