Friday, July 17, 2009

You Get What You Get And You Don't Throw A Fit

Or is it You Get What You Get So Don't Throw A Fit? Either way it works, right? Funny, the way things in life work. It seems like you put things to rest in life and they often pop back up later. The thing I have found about this is usually when they pop back up you are unprepared. It almost throws you back in time. Back to the time the you originally dealt with the issue. It brings back a whole lot of emotion from the past.

For example, if you have bad eye sight and you go get glasses at the doctors office you solved the problem. Nope! The following year you have to go back because now your glasses don't get the job done. Right? So you dealt with the problem but sure enought it comes back.

Ladies, we all know every month we deal with the same issue. We think we dealt with it but sure enough it comes back the following month.

Anyone trying to lose a few pounds? I know I deal with a few extra pounds. I seem to get rid of them, solving the problem but then at some other point in my life I am dealing with them again.

Things come our way and we deal with them most of the time solving the problem and then moving on. How do you handle it when these old issues return?

Apparently You Don't Throw A Fit!

If you are related to Rebekah Mott you "Buck up and deal with it".

If you are related to my mom you don't go to the hospital unless it is bleeding.

If you are related to me you go to the doctor after every TCL show you watch. This week is was on OCD. LOL!

If you are related to Linkin you feel blessed everyday that he is a part of your life and know that God sent him here to teach you the true meaning of God's love and to see his hand in your life daily.


robin said...

yay! i'm glad you're blogging for real . . . i will be checking often so you better be posting often! so i can copy your latest hairstyle. . .

rebekahmott said...

That is a good question. I think you have to buck up and deal, but when you have to deal with the same issuses again and again, that is different. I say when it is out of your hands you have to be a fast thinker, if it is because of you then you have to do something different. That is the hard part because sometimes you are not sure if that is going to work. But I guess that is when FAITH has to come in. The biggist part is not to lose yourself int the changing process.