Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Hair Battle

I am sure you all know I have a battle with hair. Long, short, up, down, shave my head, down to my knees, black, brown, red, funky, spunky. Anyway, I have this battle. What I am realizing is that it is leaking over on to my kids as well. What I mean is that I am fighting an inner battle too let my kids hair just be.

Here's the thing...I think short hair suits Sadie just well. I think it is super cute and perfect for her face shape. I know I am no hair dresser but it is my life dream so in my mind I am and I know just what I am talking about. However, her daddy (not his life dream to be a hair dresser) thinks she looks lovely with long hair and continues to tell me that he just loves how it is growing and she is looking more and more like a little girl. I am holding back every desire in my heart to take her into the bathroom and give her a cute little shorter hair cute. The only real thing keeping me from doing anything and I mean anything at all to her hair is, ok there are two things. 1. Seth notices EVERYTHING a little snip of the bangs and he will notice. He was gone for 4 weeks and I gave her bangs a little little little trim and the first thing he says when he says is something regarding Sadie's bangs. 2. the last time I trimmed her hair he begged me not to and I took a oath not to cut her hair. (What was I thinking!!) So needless to say there is nothing and I mean nothing I can do. I don't even think this kind of act would fall under the "I am pregnant and totally forgot I said I wouldn't cut it." Or the "I am nesting and cleaning out my clutter Sadies long hair was just on of those things that had to been cleaned."

Problem number to with a hair battle is if my two year old, Sadie is going to have long hair then it should be pulled back neatly or brushed nice or some thing...right? Well she doesn't like her hair being up so I run into this problem - I put her hair up and after it dries she pulls it out thus leaving it looking well wild because it should be up but isn't up. Phew, I can feel my blood pressure rising just talking about it.

Linkin's hair on the other hand is a different story. Seth doesn't seem to care one way or another. Which does give me some sense of peace. Well, he is going to have hair stories to talk about later in life because I get the urge to cut Sadie's hair and I take Linkin back and give him a nice cut! Hahahah. I gave him a hair cut the other day, pretty much at his request, and it looks great. I was really liking the long shaggy look but once I chopped it all off I was delighted with the outcome. So nice, clean and really compliments his face. (see I know what I am talking about!)

Now as far as my hair. I have been watching Idol and adore Ellen and pretty much want to be her. I ADORE her hair and want it on my head however the 9th month of pregnancy says "Heck NO!" with my face being so round and puffy and the rest of my body matching my face a super short cut isn't going to work for me at this point. So I am convincing myself that some time from now after the baby weight it gone I will go in and convince my hair dresser to chop it all off but until then I will deal with the puffy look. I was daydreaming about extensions the other day and how it would really help slim my face down a bit. hahahahahahaha a girl can dream. Do you think a little extra hair could shave off 45-50 pounds? I was hopeful.

Well, there is my hair battle.


robin said...

ooh, you know i love this subject.

i am totally digging ellen's hair! i have my friend here who cuts my hair look at her hair all the time. and i totally get what you're saying about short hair and being pregnant. i always want to grow it out a little as to offset my chubbiness, but i never can. i always cut it.

as for sadie, you should cut it! who cares what seth thinks! (okay, i guess you have to care a little.) he just thinks it should be long because he can't picture how cute it would be with a cute little cut (not that she's not adorable now, of course.) i think little girls should have a hair cut that looks good no matter what (pulled back, down, etc...) do it!

but this is coming from me, a mom who cuts macy's hair so short it's shorter than most boy's...

The Word Is Happiness said...

I knew you would understand my pain! Haha. It was haunting me again today, sadies hair and my desire yo cut it. Macys hair is adoreable and it just suits her so well. See long hair does not equal girly to me, I mean girls can look and be girly with short hair as well as long. See I have a whole speech on the matter!

Ellens hair, yes amazing! Your hair is always on my top five best short hair list too. Is that so funny that growing it out always seems like a good idea to counteract the cubbiness however once I get any length I realize it isn't helping the situation.

Well, I have some convincing to do with Seth but be on the look out for a picture post! :)

rebekahmott said...

That is so funny Ladies, I to love Ellens hair. I think she is so cute, in a strait kind of way, LOL. Chelsea I think your cute so whenever you cut it will be cute. of course I think it is cute know so really I don't know what I am talking about I just wanted to resopned and let you know I love you and that I read your wonderful blog.

Suzette Graham said...

Ok, Chelsea, you get your hair disorder from me. I actually think my disorder was a little worse than yours because it resulted in cutting it myself, perming it myself and coloring myself. The coloring was not such a bad thing but the other stuff is not so good. I still have the disorder.
Cutting of Sadie's hair is hair disorder transference. Plain and simple.
Seth wants Sadie to have long hair because he loves her girliness and that is how men see girls. Girls = long hair. It may also be girls = long hair + wife with short hair daughter transference. So you should just keep cutting Linkins hair, leave your and Sadies alone and just start biting your fingernails instead.

Suzette Graham said...

As for Ellen's hair we all love her hair and when we are as thin and as cute and have those lovely blue eyes we can all get Ellen's hair cut. Until then we will just have to wish, In a straight kind of way.

The Word Is Happiness said...

Mother I laughted out loud very very hard! Yes, I agree that I got my disorder from you and that yours is more developed than mine. I have found a support group (my hair dresser and I trust her!) LOL! However you are able to pull off all the coloring, cutting and such you have done to your hair. I am a hug fan of the gray. It just is the best look for you in my opinion (disorder or not! LOL)

I agree with you and not cutting Sadies hair however Seth has openly admitting the past few days that her hair is well in need of a little TLC. Maybe I should suggest that he take her some where to get it trimmed. This will take me and my disorder out of the picutre and he will be responsible for the look and length. In the mean time I think I am going to get her a shirt that says "My mom is aware of my hair needs. Any questions or concerns talk to my Dad about it."

As for Ellen's hair I double agree with you in a straight kind of way! hahahah Bebah you crack me up!!

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

When I think you you Chels I can only invision you with short hair. It's your signature look! You really haven't had long hair since highschool and there is a reason for that. Just don't go blonde again! ;) As for Sadie I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bob cut on her. It reminds me so much of your Mom. And a bob cut on a girl is not manly, I'd like to know what boy can wear that hair cut and look manly.