Sunday, July 11, 2010

mandy came to visit...

"Together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.”

we had lunch with bex and paisley. yummy and super funny!

i am so grateful mandy came to visit. it was so wonderful. we went to big sur.

she made us an amazing dinner. italian wedding soup. it was out of this world. i have a big shoe to fill.

the most amazing part of the trip was our girls night out. we met up with several friends from high school and had dinner. it was amazing. it was ment to be, i don't think we could have laughted harder, eaten more, moved to another resturant or hung out in the parking lot longer. we all had a wonderful wonderful time!


Anonymous said...

lol Litterally on the big shoes to fill ;) and Ladies night was tuely a night to NEVER forget! It was a blast THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!