Monday, December 28, 2015

Monday december 28...

Some days i imagine myself doing all these things, reaching all my goals and dreams. I imagine a life that is different in ways from the one I am currently living. - its funny i am even writing this down because 1. i just re-read some old posts i made and well, i was bored of them after 2 seconds and they brought up a bunch of feelings and stresses i did not want to reacquaint myself with. 2. no one is on blogspot anymore, at least not people who i once was following and reading. However here i am - This moment is serving more than one purpose. First, it is allowing me to avoid the should-bes of the day. Second, it is giving me a chance to put down all the thoughts and feelings I am having and I am giving myself permission to never have to read it again. Its not really about going back and re-reading, rather about getting it all out.

There are several things I want to accomplish. I have been doing a lot of research and implementing many minimalist ideas. I am enjoying it. I could make a list of the things I have accomplished and started in the process but, id rather not. sometimes its a good idea for me to do that because then I can see on paper that i have accomplished things. i tend to believe i never accomplish anything...ever. Well, I do. so there. however for today I am going to skip the list of things i have done.

I do however have a list of things i would like to do. hmmmmm do i even have it in me to list those things today? i am not sure i do. well, yes, i will after all.

general cleaning and straightening up - its a good day for this because Seth's at work, Linkin is out of town, sadie is at a friends house and B well, she just playing so its ideal. I could get a lot done.

Clean up the back yard - like yard work kind of cleaning up. Weeds pulled, leaves raked up, grass seed laid, cement sprayed down.

Car cleaned - I don't even need to do it myself, not this time. I just need to get it to a place that will clean it.

Run to the store - I would like to get a with a handle thing.

Self care - Its needed. maybe even get my nails done. at least my toes.

Food prep - I have a few recipes set out and all the stuff for, now I just need to actually make them.

Budget/check Book - duh

Figure out my workout plan - I wish i was a morning person. I have read you can become one. So, I am going to try. working out first thing in the morning like 5 am would just honestly be the best thing for me. However I never seem to make that a priority. So I need to work on that. I need to figure out what I am going to do.

There are a few others that I can't think of right now. hmmmm ok. Well, its already 1pm in the afternoon. My dreams and hopes for today are big but I think I can accomplish most if not all of them if I get to it. Ready GO!