Friday, August 21, 2009


Linkin started kindergarten on Wednesday. He has been "looking forward to this all my life". He was counting down the days until finally, finally it was time.

He decided he wanted to wear his Mario shirt to school on his first day. Super cute smile!
Here he is on this way to school!
Here were are! Here is his school!
We made it to his classroom where we got to help get him settle in.

Co-Teacher Miss B was able to help him get settled and help wipe a few tears.

Today was his third day of school and he seems to be all settled in and enjoying himself. He has made a few friends already and didn't shed a tear today. Phew! "Mom, I didn't cry, that means I am getting use to kindergarten!


Anonymous said...

Awww I feel for Link when we cried because I remember crying when I started Kindergarten too!

The Fear Fam said...

Hooray for kindergarten! It is always a bittersweet moment for mom & dad. I'm glad Linkin is getting used to it.

Natalie & Bea start school on Monday. It's going to be weird to only have 2 kids at home! Maybe I'll be able to get my grocery shopping done. :)

rebekahmott said...

I love that he had a count down! I am glad that it is an old hat now. Sometimes I stand out of the room and just watch Nolan and can't grasp the fact that it is kindegarden. With Max I just stand in the class room and watch, it is crazy how time changes so fast.