Thursday, July 9, 2009

Who Say High Heel Are For Girls?

Linkin came home from school today and said "I wore high heels today at school can you get me some high heels mom?" I wasn't really sure what to say. "Do they have boy high heels? I really want to work on my balance and I think I can do that in high heels". Well, how do you say no to that!?! So we compromised with him using my high heels rather than getting him his own.

It took him a while to pick out the perfect pair. However once he found the perfect pair it only took him 5 minutes before he was up on his feet walking around my room. Which lead to him practicing jumping in heels (Ladies can you do that?). Then he decided he needed to ride his scooter while wearing the heels! I warned him the latter, scooter+heels, probably wan't a good idea. He didn't listen he tried anyway. "Mom, I see why heel and a scooter aren't a good idea. I fell."

"Dad would say no to heels" -Linkin